Check out these other scholarships and resources to assist you in achieving your college dreams:
Scholarship website | Requirements |
Affordable Online Colleges
Scholarship opportunities for women |
For Women |
Affordable Online Colleges
Scholarship opportunities for Hispanics |
For Hispanics |
Affordable Online Colleges
Scholarship opportunities for Minorities |
For Minorities |
Best Colleges
Hispanic/Latino Students |
Varies |
CAC High School Seniors |
Must attend college12 months after graduating |
Essay on Time
Valuable Tips and Information on Finding Financial Aid Awards For Women
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Students of Hispanic Heritage |
Minimum 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in 4 year university/grad school |
MALDEFCivil rights activists in the Latino Community | High school, college, graduate, or law student |
Meritus Program
Low-income San Francisco Youth |
National Immigration Law Center
Low-income immigrants
Must be low-income immigrant to receive support; click on “search” and write scholarship |
SALEFCentral American and Latino Students | Live in LA area, be of Latino descent, maintain 2.5 GPA, demonstrate proven financial need and history of community involvement |
ScholarshipsHispanics and Minorities | Varies |
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Variety of scholarships offered |
Hispanic Students |
Varies |
Ultimate Guide to College for Latinx & Hispanic Students by College Censuses | |
Online Guide to Critical Resources for Doctoral Students | |
Scholarships for BIPOC Students Attending Trade Programs | |
REU Finder | |
Online Guide to Scholarships and Resources for Undocumented Master’s Students | |
Best Online Guide for Minority Healthcare Students |
EduMed: A Healthcare Student’s Best Education Resource | |
Best Scholarships and Grants for Minority PhD Students | |
Additional Resources: